We understand you might be apprehensive, how can 'online' driver safety training work as the drivers aren't in a physical vehicle doing the training? Well, our training is focused where it counts, on attitudes and behaviours of driving, as statistically that's how the majority of accidents occur - fatigue, stress, mobile phone use, distractions and inattention to name a few.
SharpDrive uses video modules which combine Iive action demonstrations, first and third person and humorous animated cartoons for greater engagement and retention. Our courses will improve your driver's knowledge on the best driving practices and reduce risks on the road.It's also an ideal catalyst for organisations wanting to lower their fleet running costs, gain effective health and safety compliance and reduce their fleet crash rate.
So, let's look at the benefits of online training, and in particular the use of video for training.
Accessibility - being online, the training can be accessed anywhere, anytime and on any device. Location is no barrier.
Convenience - the training is available 365days a year making it convenient for people to fit in training around other work commitments. Also, there's no delay in having to wait for the next 'physical' course to become available and the videos can be watched again, making 'refreshers' efficient.
Quality and Consistency of Messages - you can be guaranteed all your drivers will be provided the same information, delivered the same way, so you don't get the delivery variance that can occur based on an individual taking a physical training session.
Great Learning Tool - given we use video, this medium touches on all senses so is beneficial for different learning styles. It allows everyone to learn at their own pace as there is no physical classroom and set time. Also, the questionnaire at the end of each training module ensures the content has been understood.
Time & Cost Efficiencies - our online training modules are concise and can be completed anytime, anywhere and take much less time than having to attend physical training. Also, this brings about cost efficiencies too as there is no need to travel to training, no accommodation, and less downtime/productivity of staff.
If you're keen to learn more about SharpDrive and whether online driver safety training is right for your business, please get in touch. We can take you through a demo so you can see the 'online' training first hand!.